What we believe ...

As Christians, we rely on what the Bible tells us and teaches us. We believe it to be true and relevant for everyone.

It shows us the almighty eternal God, who is both just and loving. It reveals to us the One who is worthy of our worship, love and obedience.

It tells us that God became man when Jesus Christ came down to earth. He came to rescue us from being cut-off from a perfect God because of the imperfections that each of us have in our lives.

That rescue was achieved through Christ's death on the cross, taking on himself the punishment for all our imperfections.

When we personally believe and acknowledge what Jesus Christ did for us, and accept him as our Lord and Saviour, then we become part of God's family and receive eternal life.

As celebrated at Easter, Jesus rose from the dead and is now back in heaven reigning with God, the Father.

The Holy Spirit, the third "person" of the one God, supports us as we live our day-to-day lives and helps as we seek to increasingly follow Christ's example in our lifestyle.

Our understanding is that God wants Christians to be in a Church family, to help and support one another as we seek to be more like the Lord Jesus and together grow in our experience of his love and power.

For the full "Doctrinal Basis" of the FIEC, to which our Church is affiliated, click on www.fiec.org.uk/who-we-are/beliefs




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