11am and 6pm
About our services
We like to use a variety of modern songs and a selection of traditional hymns.
We share communion together on the 1st Sunday morning of the month and 3rd Sunday in the evening. Anyone who knows the Lord as their own personal Saviour is warmly invited to share with us.
Whiteshill has no hand to hand offering/collection during services, instead there are freewill collection boxes as you enter the main hall to donate to the life of the church and its missionary commitments as you see fit. Much of the Church finances come from donations received through the Gift Aid scheme.
Evening Meeting at 7:30pm
We usually work through a book of the Bible, either from the Old or New Testament, asking what lessons we can learn from it, what God is saying to us, and what larger themes can we see. These meetings conclude with a short time of prayer.
Every other month we have a missionary prayer meeting, or a prayer and praise evening.
The first Tuesday of each month is a social gathering, when we get together, enjoy a light buffet, and talk together.