About Whiteshill Our postal address is: Bristol Road, Hambrook, Bristol. BS16 1SD Hambrook is actually in South Gloucestershire and the church is opposite Whiteshill Common, along from Winterbourne village. Our registered charity number is 1174209. Whiteshill is an independent evangelical church affiliated to the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches (FIEC). Sunday Services
Tuesday Meetings
Special Events We have many social events and special services throughout the year, which are always open to anyone with the will to come along. These include special Christmas and Easter services, monthly Saturday walks across the whole area including the Forest of Dean and the Mendip Hills, an annual Garden Party, Community Bonfire and Fireworks, a Community Carol Service, Barn Dances, Skittles Evenings, etc etc. Communion Services take place twice a month, alternating (fortnightly) between morning and evening services. All are invited to take the bread and wine, as long as they love the Lord Jesus Christ and accept him as their own personal saviour. Those that feel unable to do this are still welcome to stay during the service. Missionary Work Whiteshill supports various missions and Christian charities locally and in other parts of the world.